Ser Friden's Journal, which will trigger the quest 'The Last Request.' To complete the quest, you'll need to travel to the Deserted Building (which will now appear on the Denerim map), and defeat all of the blood mages that you'll find there.
You'll need to mark these doors for the quest You'll need to defeat the bandits in these three spots for the quest To unlock the Deserted Building, you'll need to loot Ser Friden's corpse (#6).
To unlock the Dirty Back Alley, you'll need to accept the questīack Alley Justice from the chanter's board in theĭenerim Market District. Note: The Dark Alley, the Run-Down Back Street, and the Pearl will start out unlocked. These small zones in Denerim are all optional, but you'll complete some quests in them, plus gain some loot and xp from clearing them out, and so they're worthy to visit before heading off to the